UPDATES: For a copy of our article “Updated Landowner Deck Presents Eco-Asset ‘Lessons Learned'”, click here.

You can find a copy of our 2024 Landowner Value Slide Deck by clicking here.  

For information about the size and scale of the U.S. mitigation credit marketplace, click here.

LANDOWNERS — How much is your rural property really worth?

Ecological assets can substantially increase your annual ranch land revenues … or even boost a real estate appraisal and sale!

Ecological assets (eco-assets for short) offer opportunities to:

  • generate new property revenues,
  • increase land appraisal value, 
  • increase the tax value of land donations, and
  • reduce development compliance costs

Eco-assets include:

  • wetland and stream zone mitigation credits
  • species and habitat conservation credits
  • water quality or nutrient reduction credits
  • wetland and forest carbon sequestration credits

Ecological assets are just like underground minerals or oil and gas deposits in that they can be ‘extracted’ from the land to offset development impacts.  And they can boost land value to a surprising degree.

If you haven’t thought about inventorying these land-based assets you might be leaving money on the table.

Landowners may develop eco-assets while continuing many existing land management practices, such as grazing, hunting or even selective timber harvesting in some areas.  Conservation easements protect mitigation lands while allowing compatible uses for the long term.

Sale prices for mitigation credits have compared favorably with traditional commodities such as corn, cattle and even gold.

Once again, examples of how this works are shown in our updated Landowner Value Slide Deck.

EASI has the experience and know how to help you all along the way — including our specialized ability to accurately forecast potential earnings from future mitigation credit sales based on detailed price and demand indicators.  

Plus, EASI’s proprietary Mitigation Credit Price Report offers the only asset value database available anywhere…to help you see the full eco-value story in your region of the country.

Supporting tools include our Area Hot Spot Analysis, our Mitigation Banking Site Selection Framework, or our four-part Mitigation Bank Development Methodology shown below.

The four basic steps leading to a successful mitigation bank include:

Four Steps for Landowners II

For a summary of this page’s content, download our Landowner Flyer.

Contact us at info@easillc.com to explore ways of developing eco-asset revenues on your property.